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The Eggplant Bot

Introducing a digital sexual education tool that helps you “level up your sexting game” in order to combat online sexual harassment.


The Eggplant bot is a Discord bot designed to engage users with thoughtful messages about consent online. By sending thought-provoking messages, the bot leads users to an educational game that raises awareness of consent and respectful communication online.


The bot supports servers in creating an environment where consent is understood as a fundamental element in all communication, and everyone agrees on the rules of the (sexting) game. 


If you're a Discord server owner and would like the Eggplant Bot on your server, contact us and we'll get started and make sure to customize so it sends out messages to everyone on the server at a speed that suits you.


Watch an in-depth presentation about the Eggplant Bot by two of it's creators, below.


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Given that NORDREF operates in many countries, the best way to contact us is via our email address:


Nordic Digital Rights and Equality Foundation

Box 2119

116 74 Stockholm



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